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AASCIT Communications | Volume 2, Issue 6 | Oct. 20, 2015 online | Page:276-279
Potential Ecological Effects of Onshore and Offshore Wind Farms for Electricity Generation in Nigeria: A Review
Potential ecological effects of onshore and offshore wind farms for electricity generation as applicable to Nigeria are reviewed. This is against the backdrop that the nation contemplates diversification of existing energy sources. The article discusses succinctly what wind farms are, its beneficial and harmful impacts. Mitigation approaches centred on technological innovations and modifications, species-specific methods, habitat alteration and involvement of ecologists through research and consultancy are listed. It is concluded that a broad-based approach needs to be adopted that will collaboratively engage all related and relevant professionals in order to attain sustainable exploitation of this renewable energy source. This is because the much needed advancement can be attained through renewable energy sources that are environmentally sustainable.
Emmanuel Tyokumbur, Department of Zoology, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.
Wind Farm, Ecology, Electricity, Offshore, Onshore, Wind Turbine
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Tyokumbur, E.T. (2010b).Practicing Ecology: Chances and Choices. John Archers, Ibadan. 79pp
Tyokumbur, E.T. (2010c). Reflections on Ecology and Society. Hope Publications, Ibadan.159pp.
Arcticle History
Submitted: Sep. 16, 2015
Accepted: Oct. 2, 2015
Published: Oct. 20, 2015
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