ISSN: 2375-3838
International Journal of Clinical Medicine Research  
Manuscript Information
Surgical Treatment of Decubital Ulceration - Our Clinical Experience
International Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
Vol.7 , No. 1, Publication Date: Jan. 10, 2020, Page: 6-9
3369 Views Since January 10, 2020, 731 Downloads Since Jan. 10, 2020

Maksimovic Sinisa, Public Health Institution Hospital "Sveti Vracevi", Department of General Surgery in Bijeljina, Faculty of Medicine, University of Banja Luka, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Introduction: Decubital ulceration is a tissue defect resulting from the soft tissue necrosis at the point of their compression between bone prominence and the surface of the body support over an extended period of time. Decubitus occurs most often in hospitals (about 60%), nursing homes and other long-term care facilities are second, while 9% to 20% of decubitus occurs in home care patients. Patients and methods: In the period 2000-2009, 36 patients with 44 decubital ulceration were treated at the Department of general surgery of General Hospital in Bijeljina. Surgical treatment of decubital ulceration is associated with the degree of damage to deep bone structures (sacral bone, sciatic bone, femur). More than one operation was performed in six patients. Results: Nearly 90% of our patients had lower-body decubitus. Surgical treatment of decubital wounds consists of: radical trimming of devitalized tissues, bursa and removal of heterotopic calcification, partial or complete osteotomy of bone prominences, and closure of the defect with well-vascularized, soft, local, skin, or muscular lobes. In addition to surgical treatment, conservative treatment measures have been implemented in patients; redistribution of pressure in critical areas, daily body hygiene, regular changing of bedding, wound disinfection with antiseptic, application of various dressings and topical medicines, electromagnetic therapy, ultrasound therapy, Vac therapy. The most common complications were infections, partial hepatic necrosis, and dehiscence. Conclusion: The surgical treatment of decubital ulceration requires good preoperative care, a clear preoperative plan and teamwork. Postoperative care is of great importance and must include trained medical staff as well as a professional team for physical rehabilitation.


Decubital Ulceration, Surgical Treatment, Therapy


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